Here you will find the "how to's"of putting graphics on your e-mail.It may seem hard at first but ,its easy once you learn...Have fun =)
Cut,Copy & Paste
Here is how: Hit your find button (at the top of the keyboard5th key from right)then, type in the first few words you want to copy.Next hit return.the words should be highlighted.Now hold down the shift button and push the down arrow key(bottom 2nd from the right) Until all of the words you want are highlighted.Once youve done that,hold down the cmd key((bottom row 2nd from the left)and while holding the cmd button hit the letter c you should hear a click sound.Now go to your e-mail , webpage sig box or whatever and hold down the cmd button and hit the letter v in a text area. Sorry I got so detailed I just know how hard this stuff is when you are reading it.
Let me know if you have any problems